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Best place to buy?

Forum for snak om fisk, bløddyr og lignende.
Indlæg: 1
Tilmeldt: fre 25. feb 2022 13:49
Postnummer: 6340 Kruså
Saltvand siden?: 2001

Best place to buy?

Indlæg af SolusCado »

Hej everyone! I'm relatively new to Denmark, and setting up a new reef tank - but I have trouble finding good places to buy fish and corals. Where do you get yours? Are there any online stores anyone can recommend?
Rev haj
Rev haj
Indlæg: 1477
Tilmeldt: man 10. okt 2005 06:52
Postnummer: Ikke angivet
Saltvand siden?: 2009
Geografisk sted: 6950

Re: Best place to buy?

Indlæg af Jerslev »

Welcome toan expencive but fascinating hobby.
I have just tried Saltvandsspecialen. I Got a Yellow Tang tankraised and chromis viridus from De Jong. The package wars brougt to ny door.
Excellent service, so I definately recommend him.
In Horsens you Will find oceanreef,
In Skanderborg tropeland and on Seeland Kopenhagen Decocean
450 liters tropeakvarium m weissglas i front og sider, skab fra Tropeakvarier. Lys maxpect RSF 300. Retur Octo 2. Cirkulation: maxpect Gyre 350. Skummer Octo 250. Osmolator: Ato Duo

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